Don’t Bother To Start Your Business If..

Are you Persistent & Consistent?

If you are not committed to your business don’t even bother to register it 🚩

Business is a long and lonely journey sometimes.😭

You have your vision and you sincerely want to help people in exchange for your payment.💵

When you now start out new clients will know you are not an experienced business person & they will try to take advantage of you.

Clients will ask you for discounts & because you need the money, any money , you will say yes.

You may even agree to do free work to start to build a reputation.

Clients will contact 📲 you all kind of hours and because you think the outcome will be money you answer 😂

In your 1st & 2nd year of business you will feel like all you do is work & have no money to show for it.

If you are not persistent & consistent you will give up.

You may even look for a job because that salary is sure every month and nobody is judging you!

You still have personal bills to pay and groceries to buy & your business might not even make a profit!

You still have to take time off for your well being and mental health!

You may cry yourself to sleep asking why your business not making and you trying your best.

Persistence means you keep believing in yourself and your business when the world seems to be against you!

Consistent means you keep selling high quality products & services to your clients regardless of the circumstances.

There were days when I felt like my business was a baby and I couldn’t even afford the baby milk 🥛

I believed that 1 day my business would take care of me and it paid off.

Being persistent & consistent will pay off just hold on.

I am sending blessings to you and your business today.

Antoinette Sydney LLB LEC CAMLFC CFRMP is an author based in Trinidad and Tobago.


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