Where is the Trust? Why relationships fail!

As an avid observer , I look on as people fall in and out of “love”. Racing hearts soon turn to raging hearts and migraines. Like a game of “hop-scotch”, people jump in and out of “situationships”. The days of getting to know someone has said farewell and departed. Once their social media is stalked , an opinion of the victim is formed and they are treated as they are perceived.

I crossed the busy bus route and proceeded to my client’s house. She is a woman who has lived a full life, so I did a house call. On my way, a demi-god with white hair greeted me. He walked with a cane and I lowered my speed. He asked me “What is the greatest love of all”? I pretended to think for 5 seconds and responded ,”Love of self, is the greatest love.” He looked at me and laughed. He said, no , try again. He answered his own question, he said “Love of God is the greatest love”. I knew that I was right, because I am a goddess.

I asked him to explain. He said he loved God because he trusted God. He said trust is everything. He confessed that he had no doubt that God would take care of him and provide all his needs. I felt the same way about myself.

He said that he has been married for 30 years and it is blissful. He said he and his wife have complete trust. They both value each other and their contribution to the relationship.He was confident that nobody could compare to him and replace him. He said he trusts his wife, just like he trusts God.

He lamented that young couples did not trust each other, he attributed this to the high divorce rate. He said both men and women were insecure and did not value themselves or each other. He told me if his wife walked out the street and saw him chatting with me , she would smile and greet me, with no ill feeling. He turned the corner and went home and I proceeded north to meet my client. I thought about his kind words and he is absolutely right.

Is trust more important than love?

About the Author: Antoinette Sydney LLB LEC CAMLFC CFRMP is an author and entrepreneur based in Trinidad and Tobago.

Order her new eBook now: How to Hustle from Home: 50 Success Secrets
Get a free sample of two chapters here

Blog: https://sydneygroupblog.wordpress.com/

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Time to Change: Your Season is here!!!!

I have been blessed by 10 butterflies this week. Butterflies are in abundance, have you noticed? Fluttering with the wind they dance with nature. The Universe is talking to you.

I approached my home and saw my neighbor who always calls me “young lady”. He had long hair but about a year ago he cut it. I usually comment on his hair growth and he smiles as he sips his coffee. Today , I asked him if he noticed a lot of butterflies lately. He advised me that the butterflies are a sign that the seasons of your life are changing.

If you know me personally, I am easily fascinated by learning new information. My mind was blown. I walked home confident that my season is here.

Young man, young woman, your time is now. Make no excuses. This is your life. Your season has arrived, your life will change in a positive way. In all things, give thanks.

About the Author: Antoinette Sydney LLB LEC CAMLFC CFRMP, is an author and entrepreneur based in Trinidad and Tobago.

Blog: https://sydneygroupblog.wordpress.com/

Linked In: https://tt.linkedin.com/in/antoinette-sydney-77093550

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asydneygrouptt/?hl=en

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sydneygrouptt/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8-sUa8WMDJM8w5_Q3nhQ5w

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How do you create Cash Flow Projections to open Business Business Bank Account ?

There are two important aspects of a Cash Flow Projection:

1.An estimation of the total income that the business will receive in 1 month;

2.An estimation of all the expenses incurred by the business in 1 month.


In order to determine the income that your business generates, you should be keeping a great record of all the money that you receive. It can be as simple as having a receipt book or using an excel sheet to list the amount of money earned. It can be more sophisticated by using accounting software or an application on your phone. As a business owner you must keep track of all the cash earned in order to determine how to make improvements to ensure that the business is sustainable.


You should also have a well maintained record of the money that you are spending to further the business. You may keep a folder to store all receipts and log the respective sums in it. You may find that some expenses are fixed and are incurred monthly. Some examples of expenses are travelling expenses, raw materials.

You will basically subtract your expenses from your income to show whether the business is making a profit or a loss.

About the Author: Antoinette Sydney LLB LEC CAMLFC CFRMP

The content herein is only for informational and educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Please be advised that no attorney/client relationship is created by the publishing of this content. You should consult with your attorney at law for independent legal advice.

No representations or warranties are made about the suitability, comprehensiveness and or accuracy of the information and other content contained on this channel. It should be noted that legal information and content can become out of date and I give no undertaking to keep this blog up to date. All liability for any loss or damage of any kind which may be suffered as a result of accessing and using the information and or content of this blog is hereby excluded to the full extent permitted by law.

Website: www.asydneygroup.com

Blog: https://sydneygroupblog.wordpress.com/

Linked In: https://tt.linkedin.com/in/antoinette-sydney-77093550

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About the Author: Antoinette Sydney LLB LEC CAMLFC CFRMP is an author and entrepreneur based in Trinidad and Tobago.

Blog: https://sydneygroupblog.wordpress.com/

Linked In: https://tt.linkedin.com/in/antoinette-sydney-77093550

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asydneygrouptt/?hl=en

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sydneygrouptt/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8-sUa8WMDJM8w5_Q3nhQ5w

The content herein is only for informational and educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Please be advised that no attorney/client relationship is created by the publishing of this content. You should consult with your attorney at law for independent legal advice.

No representations or warranties are made about the suitability, comprehensiveness and or accuracy of the information and other content contained on this channel. It should be noted that legal information and content can become out of date and I give no undertaking to keep this blog up to date. All liability for any loss or damage of any kind which may be suffered as a result of accessing and using the information and or content of this blog is hereby excluded to the full extent permitted by law.

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It is imperative that Non Regulated Financial institutions and Listed Businesses register with the FIU in an effort to contribute to the development of the local economy.

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Non Regulated Financial Institutions include:

  • Credit Union
  • Building Society
  • Money or Value Transfer Services

Listed Businesses include:

  • Motor Vehicle Sales
  • Real Estate
  • Gaming House
  • Pool Betting
  • National Lotteries On-Line Betting Games
  • Jeweler
  • A Private Members’ Club
  •  An Art Dealer
  • An Accountant, an Attorney-at-law or other Independent Legal Professional
  • Trust and Company Service Providers 

**Non Profit Organisations with a gross annual income of over $500,000.

About the Author: Antoinette Sydney LLB LEC CAMLFC CFRMP is an author and entrepreneur based in Trinidad and Tobago.

The content herein is only for informational and educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Please be advised that no attorney/client relationship is created by the publishing of this content. You should consult with your attorney at law for independent legal advice.

No representations or warranties are made about the suitability, comprehensiveness and or accuracy of the information and other content contained on this channel. It should be noted that legal information and content can become out of date and I give no undertaking to keep this blog up to date. All liability for any loss or damage of any kind which may be suffered as a result of accessing and using the information and or content of this blog is hereby excluded to the full extent permitted by law.


What is the FIU?

The FIU is the  primary institution for the collection of financial intelligence and information and the analysis, dissemination, and exchange of such financial intelligence this will also include information among law enforcement authorities, financial institution and listed businesses

What does the FIU do?

1.Acts as an autonomous independent body to serve as a national centre for the collection, analysis and dissemination of financial intelligence and information.

2.The FIU functions as a specialised intelligence agency for the receipt and analysis of STRs/SARs) and the dissemination of financial intelligence and information.

3.FIU acts as a Supervisor to monitor specified Supervised Entities and enforce compliance of AML/CFT (AML/CFT) obligations.

4.The FIU does not engage in investigative action, which is conducted by the Law Enforcement Authorities (LEAs).

About the Author: Antoinette Sydney LLB LEC CAMLFC CFRMP is an author and entrepreneur based in Trinidad and Tobago.

Blog: https://sydneygroupblog.wordpress.com/

Linked In: https://tt.linkedin.com/in/antoinette-sydney-77093550

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asydneygrouptt/?hl=en

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sydneygrouptt/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8-sUa8WMDJM8w5_Q3nhQ5w

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No representations or warranties are made about the suitability, comprehensiveness and or accuracy of the information and other content contained on this channel. It should be noted that legal information and content can become out of date and I give no undertaking to keep this blog up to date. All liability for any loss or damage of any kind which may be suffered as a result of accessing and using the information and or content of this blog is hereby excluded to the full extent permitted by law.

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PEP Talk: Why do Financial Institutions ask if you are a Politically Exposed Person (PEP)

Do you recall being asked whether you are a Politically Exposed Person (PEP) on an application form to open a new deposit account with your financial institution? Welcome to the club! I erroneously interpreted this question as the bank’s attempt to determine my political alignment. Knowledge has since found me and enlightened me. I have been forgiven of my blissful ignorance and I am not afraid to tell you about the good news of the banks’ rationale in seeking to determine whether a potential customer is a PEP.

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What are PEPs?

Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) are those individuals presently or formerly holding a powerful local or foreign public position, and family members and close associates of that individual.[1]

PEPS are classified according to the potential risks involved[2].

High Risk – Level 1 PEPs

Heads of state and government;

Members of government (national and regional);

Members of Parliaments (national and regional);

Heads of military, judiciary, law enforcement and board of central banks;

Top ranking officials of political parties.

Medium-High Risk – Level 2 PEPs

Senior officials of the military, judiciary, and law enforcement agencies;

Senior officials of other state agencies and bodies and high ranking civil servants;

Senior members of religious groups;

Ambassadors, consuls, high commissioners.

Medium Risk – Level 3 PEPs

Senior management and board of directors of state-owned businesses and organisations – e.g. Chairman of a Bank

Low Risk – Level 4 PEPs

Mayors and members of local county, city and district assemblies

Senior officials and functionaries of international or supranational organisations

Why are PEPs high risk clients to a Financial Institution?

PEPs are potential targets for bribes due to their prominent position in public life. They have a higher risk of corruption due to their access to state accounts and funds[3]. The FIU has warned that it is not to be assumed that all PEPs are involved in criminal activity. Not all PEPs have acquired wealth through illicit means; many entered public life with a substantial net worth. Not all PEPs are corrupt, but they are vulnerable to bribery and corruption at hands of well dressed criminal elements desirous of furthering their nefarious  activities. PEPs are in envious positions to award lucrative contracts and many criminals long for such friends in high places. PEPs pose a substantial risk to the financial institutions and FATF[4] issued guidelines on dealing with same.

PEPs and Money Laundering

Corrupt PEPs may abuse their power and exploit the regulatory difference between jurisdictions to facilitate the laundering of corruption proceeds and/or illegally diverted government, supranational or aid funds[5].

How do Financial Institutions combat money laundering risks posed by PEPs?

Financial Institutions ought to regularly monitor PEPs.

Guidance on dealing with PEPs[6]

Recommended actions institutions should take:

Identify the PEP from within the customer base;

Identify the country associated with the PEP;

Identify the type of business, industry, personal financial situation of the PEP (this is basic Know Your Customer information);

Identify the PEP’s affiliations, employment, associations, etc. Develop a profile of the PEPs transactions;

Determine if the transactions are as expected by comparing the actual transactions to what is known about the PEP;

Identify and investigate transactions that are outside the norm, or which are high-risk.

General Guidelines on dealing with Foreign PEPs[7]

With respect to foreign PEPs ,the financial institution must perform Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) on same and  monitor the activities of the foreign PEP  to understand the following:

Source of Funds;

Source of Wealth;


Differences in sums actual deposited compared to expected sums.

In closing, I hope that you in turn spread the wonderful news about the banks’ reasoning behind asking whether a customer is a PEP . That’s all for PEP Talk people.

Antoinette Sydney LLB LEC CAMLFC CFRMP

Order her new eBook now: How to Hustle from Home: 50 Success Secrets
Get a free sample of two chapters here

Website: http://www.asydneygroup.com/

Blog: https://sydneygroupblog.wordpress.com/

Linked In: https://tt.linkedin.com/in/antoinette-sydney-77093550

 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asydneygrouptt/?hl=en

 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sydneygrouptt/

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/c/AntoinetteSydney

The content herein is only for informational and educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Please be advised that no attorney/client relationship is created by the publishing of this content. You should consult with your attorney at law for independent legal advice.

No representations or warranties are made about the suitability, comprehensiveness and or accuracy of the information and other content contained on this channel. It should be noted that legal information and content can become out of date and I give no undertaking to keep this blog up to date. All liability for any loss or damage of any kind which may be suffered as a result of accessing and using the information and or content of this blog is hereby excluded to the full extent permitted by law.

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[2] https://complyadvantage.com/fatf-definition-of-pep/

[3] http://www.aic.gov.au/publications/current%20series/tandi/381-400/tandi386.html

[4] http://www.fatf-gafi.org/media/fatf/documents/recommendations/Guidance-PEP-Rec12-22.pdfhas

[5] http://www.aic.gov.au/publications/current%20series/tandi/381-400/tandi386.html

