How to manage your time effectively

Time is your friend. Once you are living in your gift you will realize that time is an illusion. Everything is in Divine order. Everything that you want already exists. It just has to be manifested now.

Learning how to give priority to those activities that are in line with your strategic goals.It follows therefore that you must have strategic goals. This will enable you to say no to requests that do not further your personal goals.

By saying no, you have the time , energy and resources to focus only on those essential things.

Just say no!!

About the Author: Antoinette Sydney LLB LEC CAMLFC CFRMP is an author and entrepreneur based in Trinidad and Tobago.


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Even a broken clock is right two or three times a day

I am well on my way to reading one book every week  pursuant to my new year’s resolution. This week, I am exploring “The magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz. In one chapter he narrates a  story of an irate guest at a hotel who sent a telegram to reserve a room for a single occupant but who came to the hotel clerk requesting  hotel room with double occupancy. The customer insulted the clerk threatening to have him fired and questioned his intelligence. The young clerk apologized but declared that he was merely following instructions.

The author was next in line to deal with the clerk but was pleasantly surprised when the clerk greeted him warmly. The author told the clerk that he admired the way that he dealt with the previous customer. The clerk stated that he refused to be infuriated by a customer like that, he empathised with the man and supposed that he was having marital problems and that the man used him as a scapegoat to feel superior. The clerk added that “…underneath he is  probably a nice guy, most folks are…”

The author then suggested that we remember this statement the next time someone “declares war on us. He said the best way to deal with situations like this is to let the other person say their piece, then forget about it”.

We have nothing to lose by following this approach. Instead of responding to their insults , especially for those of us who work in the service industry, it is wise to hold our tongue. There is nothing to gain by charging with bitter words. The other person may in fact be experiencing some trying times and may simply want attention. Although you may find that your minimum wage does not pay you enough to take insults, I am sure by the following week that you will forget the exchange of words.

Antoinette Sydney LLB LEC CAMLFC CFRMP is an author and entrepreneur based in Trinidad and Tobago.

Order her new eBook now: How to Hustle from Home: 50 Success Secrets
Get a free sample of two chapters here



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The content herein is only for informational and educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Please be advised that no attorney/client relationship is created by the publishing of this content. You should consult with your attorney at law for independent legal advice.

No representations or warranties are made about the suitability, comprehensiveness and or accuracy of the information and other content contained on this channel. It should be noted that legal information and content can become out of date and I give no undertaking to keep this blog up to date. All liability for any loss or damage of any kind which may be suffered as a result of accessing and using the information and or content of this blog is hereby excluded to the full extent permitted by law.

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Get rid of toxic people : Say NO to Narcissists 

People underestimate the importance of their backs. If you are having back pains you will have grave difficulty functioning. Your central nervous system consists of your brain and your spinal cord. Your spinal cord runs along your back. Spine injuries may render the victim cripple. I was watching the second installment of Independence Day (2016) and the alien invader was destroyed by shooting her in the back. One of the men who was fighting to save the World advised his comrades to aim for the alien’s back because that was her weakness. I took a moment to process this and I recalled that the human back is also a vulnerable area. We always lament when persons known to us say negative about us “behind our backs “. We become bitter when they “stab us in the back”, wouldn’t it hurt more to aim for our hearts ? I think not,because a broken heart can mend. But a broken back, will never be whole again. In this era of user friendly people ,we have to guard our backs. We have to watch our own backs because a friend,is a known enemy. 

Antoinette Sydney LLB LEC CAMLFC CFRMP is an author and entrepreneur based in Trinidad and Tobago.

Order her new eBook now: How to Hustle from Home: 50 Success Secrets
Get a free sample of two chapters here



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The content herein is only for informational and educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Please be advised that no attorney/client relationship is created by the publishing of this content. You should consult with your attorney at law for independent legal advice.

No representations or warranties are made about the suitability, comprehensiveness and or accuracy of the information and other content contained on this channel. It should be noted that legal information and content can become out of date and I give no undertaking to keep this blog up to date. All liability for any loss or damage of any kind which may be suffered as a result of accessing and using the information and or content of this blog is hereby excluded to the full extent permitted by law.

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